Peach, Lychee, Wine Gums
Producer: Peralta Family
Origin: San Fernando, Nicaragua
Process: Anaerobic Natural
Elevation: 1550 masl
Varietal: Pink Bourbon
The 40 hectares of natural mountain forest that make up Finca Santa Maria de Lourdes have been under the ownership of Octavio Peralta since 1970 although for many years the area was used as a war zone during the Sandinista uprising and was heavily mined. The UN cleared the area of mines in the late 1980s and Octavio began restoring the exceptional coffee production in this relatively wild region since 1994. Octavio has dedicated himself to this cause as well as preserving nature, a habitat that is recognized as a major factor in the production of its fantastic coffee. Of the 80 hectares of arable land available, 40 have been reserved for the sole purpose of maintaining and improving the natural habitat. The farm has obtained rainforest alliance certification in recognition of this decision and contributes to the continued conservation of its surroundings. It also has a well-equipped kitchen that caters to the 60 permanent workers and 150 pickers during the major harvest. The varieties found here include Caturra and Catuai, as well as the heirloom known as Javanica.
The Peralta Family coffee-growing history dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, but it was only in 2008 that brothers Julio and Octavio shifted focus to developing unique specialty preparations. We are privileged to have known the Peralta's for several years and have always admired the attitude and values that they have brought to their operation. We are delighted to bring their micro-lots and special preparations to Europe. From single plot, single varietal separations to carefully controlled extended fermentations, the Peralta family continue to position themselves at the forefront of specialty coffee innovation.
The Process
The Peralta ‘Laurel’ process is a washed process with some variations to the traditional fermentation. Ripe cherries are carefully selected with a minimum Brix value of 19.50o. They are then washed, siphoned and pulped. After pulping, the coffee is left for around 48 hours, with precise timing dictated by ambient temperature inside the dry running channel. Every 6 hours the coffee is rinsed with clean water to prevent the pH from dropping below 5. Water is also sprayed during this period to lower the temperature and avoid over-fermentation. The coffee is then thoroughly washed at the end of the fermentation stage and left to rest for 24 hours. Measurements are taken throughout to maintain an ambient temperature of 17oC, a coffee pH of 5 and a water pH of 7. After rest, the wet parchment is dried on covered, African- style raised beds for an average of 13 days, before being rested as dried parchment and then milled for export.
The Region
The municipality of San Fernando is located about 24 kilometers from the Ocotal region and of the 10,000 inhabitants, the vast majority are coffee growers. This beautiful area is located in the Nueva Segovia region where altitudes range between 1,350 and 1,550 meters above sea level. Santa Maria de Lourdes embodies a diverse range of lush vegetation and wildlife brought about by high levels of rain. Indeed the farm has 4 wetlands, 6 water sources and 5 streams, all flowing into the San Fernando River, which belongs to the La Horca River basin, which flows into the Coco River.
Nueva Segovia boasts some of the highest growing altitudes in Nicaragua. The terrain is as beautiful as it is challenging to traverse, characterised by rolling hills and dense forest, often engulfed by thick clouds.
The climate of Santa María de Lourdes is much more humid, which means that less coffee trees are planted to ensure balance in the ecosystem.